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Never Forget with the Cerebral Module

2021-04-01 - ...the Cerebral Module news, Kithara Software, messages, aprilfool Kithara Software, specialist for real time, has announced the Cerebral Module, which creates an audio-based interface that enables real

  72 %    /en/news/cerebral

Unusual methods for employee recruitment

2024-04-01 - ...for employee recruitment news, Kithara Software, messages, aprilfool While the development of computers and robots in the past has been met with scepticism regarding their potential impact on the job

  70 %    /en/news/kitoapril

Free audio upgrade for DOS Enabler

2018-04-01 - ...for DOS Enabler news, Kithara Software, messages, aprilfool With the latest upgrade for Kithara DOS Enabler, Kithara achieved a great technological breakthrough. Until now, the application was only u

  68 %    /en/news/dosenablabla

World first: KiK128

2020-04-01 - ...World first: KiK128 news, Kithara Software, messages, aprilfool Since 2011, the real-time system by Kithara already has included an operation mode which allows for running 32-bit real-time applicatio

  66 %    /en/news/kik128

NEW: Ultimate Real Time Now Easier than Ever [UPDATE]

2023-04-01 - ...than Ever [UPDATE] news, Kithara Software, messages, aprilfool When important state guests are making their way through the captial in their armored limousines, the rest of the traffic comes...

  66 %    /en/news/notime

Kithara is Reaching for the Stars

2022-04-01 - ...Reaching for the Stars news, Kithara Software, messages, aprilfool Kithara is now an official supplier of the first manned mars mission. Our company participated in a public tender for the IMEM (Inte

  64 %    /en/news/precomprime

Breakthrough in the Predicition of Events

2019-04-01 - ...Predicition of Events news, Kithara Software, messages, aprilfool Big Data has become an ubiquitous topic by now. Among other things, it is also about detecting imminent technical problems and taking

  63 %    /en/news/futuremodule