Kithara DIAdem EtherCAT Driver
In the measurement and automation technology, the technology is in a constant growth. The resulting data sets are immense. New techniques enable the collection of data in highspeed. This trend describes National Instruments (NI) as ”Big Analog Data“.
The processing of ”Big Analog Data“ is on three levels:
- Sensors/actuators (Level 1)
- Measurement and automation hardware/software (Level 2)
- Data analysis/data management (Level 3)

”Big Analog Data“ with EtherCAT and DIAdem
The software DIAdem has the advantage that it is tailored to the requirements of Levels 2 and 3. It can configure both measurement and automation tasks and perform as well as with powerful data management and analysis capabilities with the requirements of Level 3.
The deciding factor for the function of the system is the connection between the two levels. This is ensured by the DIAdem EtherCAT Driver from a-solution, based on Kithara EtherCAT-Master. The driver provides a real-time connection of DIAdem to the chassis. The EtherCAT-topology will be recognized automatically.
Kithara EtherCAT-Master supports many standard-network cards from RealTek and Intel. Thus, no special PC hardware is required and the driver can be used with any PC models. The distributor of the DIAdem EtherCAT Driver is the company A-solution .
Technical details
- Busscan-function based on EtherCAT-XML-Device-Description-Data
- Integration of supported C-series-modules and own FPGA-Code
- Data acquisition with channel sampling up to 10 kHz (without Oversampling)
- Signal output in interrupt up to 1 kHz per canal
- compatible with DIAdem Version 2012
- can be run on all Windows versions (Windows 7 or higher), that support DIAdem
An article, published in SPS magazin, can be found here:
For more information, please contact:
A-solution GmbH
- Witzlebenstraße 2a, 80995 München, Germany
- Contact person: Karl Finkl
- Phone: +49 89 23055179
- E-mail: info[at]
- Website:
Müller+Krahmer GmbH
- Könitzer Straße 14, 07338 Kaulsdorf, Germany
- Phone: +49 36733 2328-6
- E-mail: mueller[at]
- Website:
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