Kithara Software
Worldwide branch offices and representations
Here you can find the adresses of the headquarter, the branch offices and the representations.
About us
Kithara is a specialist for real-time solutions, especially for the Windows operating systems family. The real-time extension Kithara RealTime Suite is a comprehensive system library for hardware dependent programming, communication, automation and image processing in real-time. The software is an easy-to-use and powerful technical basis for advanced applications in robotics, image processing, measurement and control engineering as well as automation. It is the key element in machine building, for testing rigs and other specialized applications. Kithara has several branch offices and representations worldwide and supports globally operating companies with the implementation of groundbreaking projects.
Fields of application
The development of industrial applications requires especially high robustness of the software components for a successful project. For this reason, each new version has to prove its value in extensive tests at Kithara Software, before it is ready for delivery.
The professional support center is working hand in hand with our customers. The successful implementation of the project determines the satisfaction of customers:
- Engineering, special machine building and test system development
- Manufacturing automation and quality control
- Laboratory automation and mobile applications
- Initial start-up of measuring stations and test facilities
- Equipment manufacturing and driver development for hardware components
- Education and research
Kithara is a member of the Association for Standardization of Automation and Measuring Systems (ASAM), the Automated Imaging Association (AIA) as well as the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG).