Kithara RealTime Suite—Real Time for Windows

Kithara RealTime Suite is a real-time extension for Windows. It consists of over 20 different function modules that can be freely combined. The potential fields of application are nearly endless and range from hardware communication to industrial automation and machine vision as well as automotive engineering.

Some of the core features

Real Time and Windows

Real time and Windows:
The best of both Worlds

Combine extremely efficient real-time capabilities that meet even industrial high-tech standards with the benefits of the world's most popular operating system.

Timers with frequencies of over 20 kHz

Clocked to real time

Create high-performance timers with stunning fre­quen­cies of 20 kHz and more and marvel at their accurate pre­ci­sion. Tactfully turn your real-time applications into the core element of your project.

Real-time environment for automation

The Fastest
Industrial Ethernet

Raise your automated ap­pli­ca­tions to the next level. Benefit from Kithara’s decades of ex­pe­ri­ence in the field of high-ef­fi­cien­cy automation. The pro­prie­ta­ri­ly-developed and constantly optimized real-time EtherCAT Master allows you to automate even the most chal­len­ging tasks.

Big Data: Real-time storage of large amounts of data

Big Data Storage

Don’t just wait for Big Data. Our unique real-time SSD storage is already able to write as well as read lossless data with several gigabytes per second, even during continuous operation. Freely structure almost endlessly large data sets according to your specifications with integrated MDF support.

Real time in 32 and 64 bit

KiK64: However you want it

Are you programming in 32 or 64 bit? Would you like to run a 32-bit ap­pli­ca­tion on 64-bit Windows? What usually is not possible for real-time ap­pli­ca­tions, is provided to you as a powerful tool in the form of the unique KiK64 function.


Big Measurement Data
Thanks to Real-Time MDF

With MDF in real time you gain a highly efficient storage system for hierarchically structured and finely adjustable measurement data. Virtually endless data sizes (up to a theoretical 2^64 Bytes) ensure detailed and complete data sets.

Synchronization via PTP

PTP Sets the Rythm

Bring all clocks within your real-time system into perfect unison with the Precision Time Protocol (IEEE 1588). Synchronize all network participants, be it PC, embedded computer, EtherCAT slave or camera, with high-precision time stamps at deviations in the sub-microsecond range—and via GPS even worldwide. Also available for gPTP (IEEE 802.1AS).


Give your Processor a Break

With the Kithara RTOS and the GigE Vision frame grabber PGC-1000 by PLC2 Design you can nearly completely offload the CPU during image capture of real-time vision applications. This makes crucial computer resources available for other processes while also allowing for a more stable real-time performance.

RAID in Real Time

Storage Times X

With real-time RAID-0 you not only multiply the storage capacity but also the already high data rates of the storage function. Several gigabytes per second, even up to the double-digit range, leave no storage-related question unanswered.


The Library is Open

Use our specially developed real-time-capable functions of the C standard library, at both application and kernel level. More than 40 mathematical, trigonometrical as well as string and memory functions are available for real-time execution.

Multitasking real-time system

VIP multitasking:
Very Important Processes

First things first—the high-performance multitasking system utilizes 255 generously dimensioned priority levels to reliably make sure that you always have absolute control over your most important processes—priority-based, preemptive, flexibly programmable.

Modular real-time system

Your requirements.
Your software.

Real Time does not have to be expensive. You only buy what you require. Put together your very own software from over 20 highly effective modules, per­fect­ly tailored to you.

Echtzeit-Bilderfassung mit GigE Vision

It’s a Wrap with GigE Vision

Via GigE 2.0, image data streams can be captured with up to 10 Gbit/s as well as synchronized down to the microsecond. Due to extended real-time buffers, image loss is reliably avoided. In no way are our real-time drivers camera-shy but instead are vendor-independent while supporting the entire product spectrum for GigE Vision

Useful tools for the development of your real-time environment

For every task the optimal tool

A smooth development process is the dream of every pro­gram­mer. For this purpose, we provide you with helpful tools.

Industrial Ethernet

Intelligent EtherCAT

The high-performance EtherCAT Master has been operating successfully worldwide for over 10 years and is ideally suited for highly customizable real-time automation. With low cycle times in the microsecond range, cabel redundancy, hot connect as well as flexible programmability, you can integrate EtherCAT optimally into your overall solution.

Real-time Ethernet with up to 40 Gbit/s

Fast Real-time Ethernet
with up to 200 Gbit/s

Solid, scalable, flexible—ca­pi­ta­li­zing on Ethernet means investing into the future. This is why our very own real-time Ethernet drivers support almost every single controller by Intel, now even with fast 200 Gbit/s.


Synchronize Globally

GPS synchronization in real time? No problem! With the PTP extension for NMEA you are able to synchronize GPS receivers, PCs and mobile devices, even worldwide. Due to its cost-efficient and universally applicable implementation, NMEA can even be utilized effectively in developments for automotive networking.

Accessing CAN in Real Time

Accessing CAN in Real Time

Indispensable for both auto­mation as well as automotive engineering. Develop the best possible CAN drivers thanks to hard real-time capabilities and intuitive vendor-independent API. Using the CAN-FD exten­sion, data length can even be expanded by a factor of 8.

USB Communication in Real Time

Universal and Fast

High-speed communication in real time for USB devices such as fast cameras can only be achieved by taking direct control of the xHCI controller. You can also program your very own USB drivers for the Windows driver stack.


Real Time for
Vehicle Safety

FlexRay offers extremely high error tolerance and failure safety thanks to utilizing two channels, high data rates of 10 MBit/s and deterministic properties. With real-time functions by Kithara, modern time- and safety-critical automotive functions can be implemented cost-efficiently.

Scalable hardware from low- to high-end

From toaster to supercomputer

From absolute low-end to ex­treme high-end—even a sim­ple PC yields amazing real-time results. Or would you rather use a computer with 48 logical CPUs? Kithara Realtime Suite takes your machine to the next level.

Real Time for Communication, Automation, Machine Vision, Automotive and Big Data

Always the right interface

With Kithara RealTime Suite you have the latest tech­nolo­gies at your fingertips. From hardware and network com­mu­ni­ca­tion to automation and machine vision to automotive and big data, you control your project with the most crucial standards, molded into a single powerful real-time system.

Real time for automotive

Staying on track

We put you in the driving seat of a high-performance real-time system which allows for the development of even the most cutting-edge vehicle assistance functions and even autonomous driving. In­cor­po­ra­ting the most important automotive bus systems such as FlexRay, CAN FD and BroadR-­Reach you can get your project into gear.

Real-time drivers

As close as possible
to the interface

The best software begins with the hardware. Our in-depth real-time drivers start exactly where it matters most—at the numerous hardware interfaces of you PC.

Real-time machine vision

See, Recognize, Act

Cameras are only the first step. The next is to pass on the image data to efficient algorithms of external libraries such as Halcon or OpenCV. Capturing, processing and control reactions to the results of image analysis are all performed in real time.

BroadR-Reach: Ethernet for Automobiles

Getting Ethernet on the Road

Why not use the universal features of Ethernet for auto­mobiles as well? With BroadR-Reach and real-time ca­pa­bil­i­ties together, physical Ethernet networks can be directly ac­cessed and controlled in order to develop the advanced ve­hi­cle functions of tomorrow.

Dlib in Real Time

Private Lessons for the PC

Teach your computer machine learning. With the Dlib Ex­ten­sion you have real-time-ca­pa­ble access to numerous AI algorithms including for deep learning at your disposal. Or how about creating self-learn­ing applications for image recognition?


Data Acquisition –
From Simple to Complex

Thanks to support for multifunction cards, such as the X series by NI, a wide spectrum for measurement data acquisition is at your disposal. Develop effective hardware accesses with vendor-neutral API as well as functions for digital I/O (bit wise or word wise) and analog I/O (single value, channel sequence, limited series of sequences or continuous mode).


Quicker Solutions

Do you need help with the use of our software? The dedicated support ticket system allows users to communicate directly with our developers. The result is a clear and fast solution finding.

Free trial version

Just try it!

Doubts? Just test the complete software 90 days for free including the full function range. See for yourself and check out the sheer endless possibilities. Download Now

Other Features