November 30th, 2018
Version Medley in three acts

The year is rapidly coming to a close while at Kithara several versions of our software are still being worked on intensively. The following is a small overview of three of the current version branches of Kithara RealTime Suite, their availability as well as features included.
10.04: Meltdown and Spectre
The processor security vulnerabilities Meltdown and Spectre as well as the, in some instances, extensive workarounds that came with consequent Windows updates, such as the isolation of page tables, caused serious complications and restrictions regarding the kernel. As a consequence, our software had to undergo in-depth measures. (see news: Meltdown and Spectre). Due to the distinction between 32 bit and 64 bit versions, Windows 8 and 10 as well as Intel and AMD processors, meaning a total of eight configurations, a significant and recurring development effort has to be made to adjust to the ever-emerging updates. With the latest version 10.04m of Kithara RealTime Suite, we are up-to-date in this regard. We are hopeful that future changes will have less drastic repercussions.
10.05: KiK64
Version 10.05 includes the new KiK64 which allows for 32 bit real-time applications to run on 64 bit systems. This version is currently in beta state and is available for testing to selected customers upon request. Presently, the Delphi samples are being reworked.
Our white paper „Future-Proof Architecture with Kithara RealTime Suite“ contains further details as well as tutorials concerning the two aforementioned topics (download: Whitepaper)
10.10: EV driver signing
This version is a parallel beta branch which is also available for testing upon request. 10.10 integrates the Extended Validation Code Signing Certificate (EV) into the driver signature. This also makes the deactivation of the BIOS option „Secure Boot“ for the installation redundant (see blog entry: installation workaround). Completion and release are expected for 2018.