Berlin, May 31st, 2012
New Tool: Kithara PCI Toolkit
Kithara PCI Toolkit

Kithara Software has finished the new Kithara PCI Toolkit, which provides all necessery mechanisms for rapid development of hardware drivers, especially for PCI/PCIe boards. By using the comprehensive and easy-to-apply API, access from the ordinary programming environment to the hardware components is possible as if a real device driver was developed with huge effort.
With the Toolkit, it is generally possible to address each hardware component of the PC system via I/O ports, physical memory as well as handler for the reaction to hardware interrupts, as long as the access details are known. For hardware-dependent programming all known bus types are supported: ISA, PCI, PCIe as well as PCMCIA, CardBus and ExpressCard.
Kithara PCI Toolkit provides functions for immediate access to I/O registers and physical memory of the PC hardware. Additionally, the handling of hardware interrupts at application or kernel level is possible. Developers are also able to determine interface resources and PCI configuration data. A generic WDM driver is included as well.
All current Windows OS, including Windows 7/8 (32 or 64 bit) are supported. Programming languages such as C/C++, Delphi or C# are directly supported and the developers can work in their familiar programming environment during the entire development. Kithara PCI Toolkit provides a generic driver, which enables developers direct access to PCI/PCIe hardware resources in order to create specialized and efficient drivers.