Berlin, November 3rd, 2011
Upgrade to 64 bit now
All modules of Kithara RealTime Suite for Windows 7 with 64 bit

All major function modules of the real-time extension Kithara RealTime Suite are now available as a 64 bit version. This includes the following function groups:
- Real-time timer and multi-tasking
- Hardware-dependent programming (PCI and PCIe)
- Automation protocols (EtherCAT and CANOpen)
- Communication through serial ports (COM/UART), CAN, and USB
This way, Kithara RealTime Suite now supports 64 bit Windows 7 completely*1). In order to gain real-time, it is necassery to execute code at the kernel level. Thus, a respective 64 bit application has to be programmed. For this purpose the development environment Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 with C++ can be used. The applications with a graphical interface can also be generated by C#, only the hardware-dependent and time-critical parts are swapped in a C++-based DLL.
Usually, on a 64 bit system the source code, which is intended for code execution at the kernel level (real-time context), has to be available in 64 bit. By using the special module Kithara32-in-Kithara64 (KiK64) it is possible to execute 32 bit application code on a 64 bit system. This enables, via a single application, to support 32 as well as 64 bit systems. Hence, for every current Windows system only one application is provided. In contrast to previous code no adaptation is necessary.It should be noted that the frequent conversion between 32 and 64 bit (code and data) takes up a significant amount of CPU resources. This has to be taken into account concerning real-time requirements.
The following is a summary of the future differences of Kithara RealTime Suite:
- 32 bit applications on a 32 bit Windows as before
- additionally, 64 bit application on a 64 bit Windows
- additionally, 32 bit application on a 64 bit Windows (KiK64)
Under the condition that only data types and data types definitions are used, which are recommended by Kithara, it is not necessary to adjust the source code*2). Nevertheless, it should be noted that the Serial and the USB module with the former API are not supported anymore.
The Serial Module as well as the USB Module are provided with a new improved implementation: better, faster, simpler, real-time capable, and with 64 bit support.
*1) Not enitrely complete 64 bit support. The former Filter Module is no longer sold and was replaced by the improved and easier-to-use Device Module long time ago. The porting of the Keyboard Module is postponed indefinitely.
2*) An exception is the function KS_registerKernelAddress(), which is not supported anymore.