Berlin, May 7th, 2013
Soft PLC according to IEC 61131-3
The Soft PLC module of the »RealTime Suite«

Does your application project contain parts and components for controlling machines or facilities?
Why not take a simple approach and shift the control parts into the Kithara "PLC Module" and embed the code into your application – programmable in C++, C# or Delphi.
As a complement to the Windows real-time extension »RealTime Suite«, Kithara Software now provides a module for developing Soft-PLC implementations according to the IEC 61131-3 standard. With the “PLC module” developers and manufacturers can use the program languages Instruction List (IL) and Structured Text (ST). A compiler directly translates the program code into native and optimized binary code for the real-time environment, which supports all current Windows operating systems including Windows 7 and Windows 8 (32 bit and 64 bit).
The real-time tasks are also executable on dedicated CPU cores, which run exclusively with the Kithara real-time system in order to achieve extreme real-time capabilities with a jitter of only a few microseconds. The Soft-PLC is also highly compatible with a parallel running EtherCAT Master.
An extended library which exceeds the PLC standard functions and function blocks is available as well.
You can find the most recent data sheet here.