Berlin, September 23rd, 2013
Support of the PCAN-USB Pro

We recently added support for the device PCAN-USB Pro by PEAK-System to our »RealTime Suite«. The "PCAN-USB Pro" adapter not only allows for the connection of a PC to a CAN network via USB 2.0, but also makes it possible for two CAN adapter cables to be connected at the same time.
Thus, it is possible to send and receive CAN messages via 2 D-sub connectors in real-time.
When a CAN message has been received, a timestamp value with a resolution of 1 µs will automatically be combined with the received message structure. This way, developers always have the exact time-point the message was received. The response to incoming messages takes place in the real-time context. The device complies with CAN specifications 2.0A (11-bit ID) and 2.0B (29-bit ID) whereas the transfer rate can go up to 1 Mbit /s.
The requirement for the application of the "PCAN-USB Pro" in real-time is the CAN module of the »RealTime Suite«. For further questions please contact us.