Berlin, September 23rd, 2013
Hard real-time now also for Windows 8.1

The »RealTime Suite« now also supports the new Windows 8.1 and thus, once again, brings the real-time Windows extension up-to-date.
Both, the 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Windows 8.1 are supported. The behavior in the 32 bit version is identical to the previously used Windows 7. Due to the "Kernel Patch Protection" implemented since Windows 8 on 64 bit systems, the Dedicated Module is required for all real-time operations. A parallel operation of real-time tasks on the CPUs used by Windows is not possible.
The already wide-spread and helpful extension "KiK64" for the operation of 32 bit applications on a 64 bit systems can also be used in connection with dedicated CPUs.