Trial Version

You can download our trial version free of charge here and test it extensively for 90 days. We are looking forward to your feedback, suggestions, and questions concerning the software.
You can download our trial version free of charge here and test it extensively for 90 days. We are looking forward to your feedback, suggestions, and questions concerning the software.
A complete overview of our product range including all packages and modules with which Kithara RealTime Suite can be individually assembled into a customized real-time application, available as PDF.
Here you will find white papers with detailed information about technical issues as well as slide shows for a concise overview of the software.
Here we present some of the products and functions of Kithara RealTime Suite in a short and concise form, conveniently downloadable as PDF.
You can watch videos about our products here.
You can download our trial version free of charge here and test it extensively for 30 days. We are looking forward to your feedback, suggestions, and questions concerning the software.